Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emma Month 6,7, and 8

Through the magic of the internet, we will now age Emma from 6 to 8 months...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Latest in the Hartman Household...

Ok, so this last month has been a little nutty. Emma's first TWO teeth came in and we learned why people make such a big deal out of teething. Also, this was a big week - we added avocado and cheerios to Emma's diet! I remember the days when I used to wonder why parents were so excited about these kinds of milestones but here we are...
In the midst of what is has proven to be a seemingly unstable and crazy season, we feel so blessed by Emma and love our growing relationship with her.

Our friend Jordan's Rockband Birthday Party.

Emma loving her Aunt Carly and Uncle Mattie.
Matt and Carly had us over for an incredible fall picnic. We played Sequence on their lawn and Emma particularly enjoyed the game...well, gnawing on the cards and banging the tokens actually.
Andrew likes to make sure to remind Emma that she can't use the "Daddy didn't love me card" down the road...
The 5 of us at Matt and Carly's.