Okay people, run, don't walk to the Santa Ana zoo for an annual membership. $45 dollars. No joke.
Sure some of the animals are sickly. And lets be honest, that elephant's not gettin' any younger... but the monkies. OH the monkies. So good. Emma loves them.
Who doesn't love a lemur?
Emma mid clap. Notice the delicate interlacing of fingers. Only the best in response to the monkies.
Did we mention they have a petting zoo?!! Forty... five... dollars. Make it happen and call us. We'll go together! P.S. This goat is showing indifference, but he's just playing hard to get. He'll come around. Give him time.
Mia (Emma's buddy*) and Emma on the Merry-Go-Round (COME ON!!!). What does this place not have?!! Don't even get me started about the train. Yeah, that's right.
*By "buddy", we mean casual indifference with the occasional toy share and over-agressive recovery of said toy. 14 month-olds aren't exactly bosum buddies with anybody just yet.